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Eucaliptos, 2021 (Eucalyptus)
Oil on canvas
80 x 120 cm
80 x 120 cm

Aguapé, 2021 (Water hyacinth)
Oil on canvas
120 x 120 cm
120 x 120 cm

Taboa, 2021 (Southern cattail)
Oil on canvas
120 x 120 cm
120 x 120 cm

Agapanto Lilás, 2021 (Lilac Agapanthus)
Oil on canvas
80 x 150 cm
80 x 150 cm

Lucia Terezinha, cerejeira das Antilhas, 2021 (Lucia Terezinha, cherry tree of the Antilles)
Oil on canvas
90 x 150 cm
90 x 150 cm

Carambolas, 2021 (Star fruit)
Watercolor on cotton paper
31 x 23 cm (cada)
31 x 23 cm (cada)

Azul, 2021 (Blue)
Oil on canvas
60 x60 cm
60 x60 cm

Rosa e Vermelho, 2020 (Pink and Red)
Oil on canvas
60 x 50 cm
60 x 50 cm

Peônia, 2021 (Peony)
Watercolor on cotton paper
36 x 26 cm (cada)
36 x 26 cm (cada)

Lírios Azuis, 2021 (Blue Lilies)
Watercolor on cotton paper
60 x 46 cm (each)
60 x 98 cm (triptych)
60 x 46 cm (each)
60 x 98 cm (triptych)

Untitled - Amometer Series, 2021
Oil on canvas
170 x 130 cm
170 x 130 cm

Untitled - Amometer Series, 2021
Oil on canvas
170 x 130 cm
170 x 130 cm

Untitled - Amometer Series, 2021
Oil on canvas
170 x 130 cm
170 x 130 cm

Untitled - Amometer Series, 2021
Oil on canvas
170 x 130 cm
170 x 130 cm
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